Preferred Document Services - Las Vegas, Nevada

We Can Assist You In Handling Your Matter

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Take the Next Step. Contact Us Today!
Preferred Document Services is here to assist you in navigating our complex and frustrating system. Unlike our competitors we offer a “complete” service. We prepare, notarize and file your documents. We are experienced and knowledgeable regarding the local court forms and procedures. If you have questions, come into our Preferred Document Services office and learn more about our high quality, low cost, accurate, document preparation services! Our goal is to make it easy for you to accomplish your goals. Contact us today so that we can get started.
Contact Us Now to Schedule an Appointment
Unlike other online services, Preferred Document Services in Southwest Las Vegas is located in your local neighborhood. Our services are highly personalized, and we will meet with you one-on-one. The first step in the preparation of any document is to arrange an appointment where we will establish a working agreement and get you started on completing the appropriate worksheets. If you have done your homework in advance, you may complete these worksheets in our office at that time (or may have even done so in advance, if you have downloaded one of our worksheets online). If you prefer, you may take the worksheets home to complete and schedule a second appointment for the return of your worksheets to our office. We will call you once we have completed the preparation of your documents (this time varies, depending upon the complexity of the product), when we will schedule another appointment for you to come in to sign the documents. We will then file the documents and call you again when the executed documents have been approved and signed by the court and are ready for you to pick up at our office.

Please complete the form, below, to schedule an appointment, or call us at (702) 222-0414 during our business hours, Monday - Friday, 10:00AM - 6:00PM, to learn more about our high quality, low cost, accurate, document preparation services!
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Preferred Document Services Appointment Request
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Important: You 5madcy be making use of au2tomafeted4 1ffborm-f9i1ll5in9gf sof59ft45w0fare94.3 Thi3s t9ype of so0f8tware can trigger2 our 8hidd7en spam-detection5 sys7taemc, wbhicch will7 blo1ck yo3u from se2ub1mitti3ng th0i9s f1orm. 68Pl3ease 4cselectb8 f7Fix 8fTh9is805074b be2a6fea61o4b0b47rc8746d8cc09eb4b741cb5b5ce29ec6 54e6584c33c33f51a172b1ecom1203plee3t7id6b53a5negbd7 28th2e1 ef72orm ci708nf6 c3aorb02derd to1c5 e0co91frrecta the2 cbcp2ro9fb1l2e5m3f8.
Important: 9You may be ma15king du7se of a92utomated fofr1m-filling 2software.8 This type of so2ftware 4can0 traig4ger oaur 2hid5den spam-d8etection syd1steb3em, 47w5h4eich fw2ill blo8ck55 you0 from s0ubmitting this aform. It apdpe6ar5s t5hat the problem could not be eautomaticac00lly c0forrected. Please c96lebar cany field2 which6 appea7rs be2low with 6correddspondi9ng 8instruct2io0nsa438bfc60f 1df4fbe178928192df9ad84474oe4f465r9be1d 98e9b5bf14dca915b88881co5ma4p9l3eeti4n2g t4he form inb 9ord68b4er ato c8orrec9t t820he pr3o0b552leam.a86b We apdoblogize forc the2 incodfnvc1enfda2bdcie9ncce 0and2 we fape4precfiaate y6ou4re5 unde9rsftand61i4ng.
Please note that all appointments are subject to availability and prior commitments.
We will contact you in advance to confirm and finalize all appointments.
(Monday - Friday only)
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Important: You88 may 2be making us4e of a0utomate4d form-fi7lling softb4wa3re.b T7his t6ype 3of4 sofftware ca6n tr1igger2 our hidd7bena spa4m7-detdection2 sye3stem, which will7 block you from s4ubmit0t7ing3 this5 form. It app4e2ars that the preobl9em coul5d not bbe auftomad1ticallyf correc2ted. Ple63ase cl8ear adebny0 6f18ield which8 appe4cars abovea wit6h corres6po79nding dinstructions80cdfd116986128a d0d4b65eda9392150211fe51e492f8aca7a56ob43d392re4 a6540650dcom53p7leti1n9e5eg the6e bf3d74orm in or6der toa cfordre9ct26 thce problem0c.6 We ab7poloegize for1ed 6t4he 7iae9nconvenienccee2 fand80ce we a7papreciat9e 7ycaour unfder9sta2n65d5inc4g0.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.

How to Find Our Office
We are easy to locate and easy to reach. Our office is located on Park Run Drive. Please refer to the following map for detailed directions from any point of origin. Keep in mind that our office hours are by appointment only. No walk-ins, please.
It Really Is Your Turn to Take Control of Your Future.

Come into our Preferred Document Services office and learn more about our high quality,
low cost, accurate, document preparation services!
We are open Tuesday - Friday, 10:00AM - 1:00PM and 2:30PM - 5:30PM. Closed Mondays.
Saturday appointments available from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. ($15.00 surcharge for Saturday appointments.)

Preferred Document Services, 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 / Phone: (702) 222-0414 / Fax: (702) 389-4772

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Visa and MasterCard accepted.

It’s Your Choice, Your Money, Your Decision!