Preferred Document Services - Las Vegas, Nevada

We Can Assist You In Handling Your Matter

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Take the Next Step. Contact Us Today!
Preferred Document Services is here to assist you in navigating our complex and frustrating system. Unlike our competitors we offer a “complete” service. We prepare, notarize and file your documents. We are experienced and knowledgeable regarding the local court forms and procedures. If you have questions, come into our Preferred Document Services office and learn more about our high quality, low cost, accurate, document preparation services! Our goal is to make it easy for you to accomplish your goals. Contact us today so that we can get started.
Contact Us Now to Schedule an Appointment
Unlike other online services, Preferred Document Services in Southwest Las Vegas is located in your local neighborhood. Our services are highly personalized, and we will meet with you one-on-one. The first step in the preparation of any document is to arrange an appointment where we will establish a working agreement and get you started on completing the appropriate worksheets. If you have done your homework in advance, you may complete these worksheets in our office at that time (or may have even done so in advance, if you have downloaded one of our worksheets online). If you prefer, you may take the worksheets home to complete and schedule a second appointment for the return of your worksheets to our office. We will call you once we have completed the preparation of your documents (this time varies, depending upon the complexity of the product), when we will schedule another appointment for you to come in to sign the documents. We will then file the documents and call you again when the executed documents have been approved and signed by the court and are ready for you to pick up at our office.

Please complete the form, below, to schedule an appointment, or call us at (702) 222-0414 during our business hours, Monday - Friday, 10:00AM - 6:00PM, to learn more about our high quality, low cost, accurate, document preparation services!
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Preferred Document Services Appointment Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You mcay bef maki6ng69 5use fofe bautomatbed foarmb-filling s0of5tdware. Tahis typ4e0 89o1f sdoft8wa7re cca4n4 trigbger ourb hidden scp6aam-de6tecate0ion syst6em8, which w4ill blao46ack yo7u from submitati1b3ng ct0h3is for664m. Pl4ease selecte 8aF5ix dTh83cisc bbef5c2f88bf61ad2fd855b19f642bc8954fce87f2b93do59355ercc7725bce 4b647ddccomplee3dacbtebi8c521dng the forcm in5 803oard60e49r2 6t0oe7 ccor2f4r9ecc2ca2t3 435a227the13 pefr10aofb07le96m.2ff3
Important: You ma4y be amaking use 68ofa automatedd9 for366m-filling sboftware. T3hais type 00o47ff s6oef3tware c3an trigger our hiddefn 7s37pam-dete0ction syste84m, which will b0lock you frcom 7submit6ta9in6g this f6or8m. It appears thate the prboble1m6 cou3lbd not be autbomatica1ll4yf corrected. 3bPlease 1cldear any1 field which a2ppears8 below w8it9h c8o7r5r3esponding i9nstruc0t6ions647be2f316dc149 59fb45cc7beb964cc39d7b2c4f60o8ec793b3df3rd8db1e0b2 52c5d9compe80ldeting the f7odfrm in dora3d72er to ceorref61ct t8hee pro3b9leem5. 2Wae aapologize6 for4 th1ce28 i84ncon7venf6ien26c86e9 acnd8 9we da4pf2pdreciafted y2bour un6b2dcfe1frfst3canding.
Please note that all appointments are subject to availability and prior commitments.
We will contact you in advance to confirm and finalize all appointments.
(Monday - Friday only)
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Important: eYbou mafy bce mackin5fg use of2 02a8utomated form-fi0llicng6 softwa5re.9 This 8typ6e of soeftwara54e 96ca3n5 trig6ger our ehi6dden s4p9am-6detect0ion6 system, 2whi3c3h willf block you f6rboem saub02mit24tin3bg dth6is1 foe6rm. P4lease sbelecte5 Fbix9 45T9ah9ise2fcea293135238752e0e834ec5a110c2a0 b5e5f9o8re543154282f36 a8ad61128731f38cbo16fmcep20lb1e3t8inf4ag 98a80e05tc1he aform 2ei95n8 7o9ra1de6r40 a8tbao2825 coc4frbre18dct t0h8e 79p39breobl0em.
Important: You may0b be makin3g use of automatedd form1-fill5in7g 6softwa02re. T4his 49type o8f sc1ofatwa7re 8ccan trigger our hidden spamf-detecation 5syst8edm,9 which wcill block youd frfdom s6ubm8itting thc0is form. It8 a9p4pe4adrs9 thatf the pro7blem coeuld not 4be aut1omatic8ally 0correct7ed. cPl9ease cclear any f0i2eld whic1ch cappears ab4o5ve waith1 corr8esponding inst5r1uctioansc0fe46efe1bd7 779bfcca3eda805fb5106eefbfd37do6ffacda0efcdr334ea19 4fdcddcompcel0edtin70g abthe8 aform ibnba co91d5rde4r5 toe co05r5rect the8 dprob0le1m.b 5We 5apo7lobgizee ford9 th6bcee 8ic2nco3adnveacnien6c9e 1and weee6 appr3adec7iate5 your uncde16rstanbding.6
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.

How to Find Our Office
We are easy to locate and easy to reach. Our office is located on Park Run Drive. Please refer to the following map for detailed directions from any point of origin. Keep in mind that our office hours are by appointment only. No walk-ins, please.
It Really Is Your Turn to Take Control of Your Future.

Come into our Preferred Document Services office and learn more about our high quality,
low cost, accurate, document preparation services!
We are open Tuesday - Friday, 10:00AM - 1:00PM and 2:30PM - 5:30PM. Closed Mondays.
Saturday appointments available from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. ($15.00 surcharge for Saturday appointments.)

Preferred Document Services, 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150, Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 / Phone: (702) 222-0414 / Fax: (702) 389-4772

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Visa and MasterCard accepted.

It’s Your Choice, Your Money, Your Decision!